Project Overview
Project description
The project is an applied research project, which aims to develop a system capable of controlling a fleet of robots to perform a task. The system will be able to control the robots to form a virtual structure (VS) and transport a load from A to B. The aim of this project is to take an initial step into the realm of collaborative load transportation. Through research and experimentation, we will explore the most promising and feasible methods for creating virtual structure formations.
System Requirements
The implementation must be realized in a physical setup (as opposed to virtual).
The members of the VS shall use a differential drive system for moving.
The VS navigates in the shortest trajectory to the immediate 2D pose of the provided path until it reaches the last one.
The VS shall be formed by 2, 3 or 4 robots.
The behavior of the VS shall not change regardless of the number of members.
The starting poses of each robot are random.
The formation must be a regular polygon where the number of faces is equal to the number of members.
- It is outside of the scope of the project to:
Develop a commercially viable product
Achieve specific performance marks
Provide training to use the system
The simultaneous control of multiple VS
Request virtual structures with a different number of members than robots available in the scenario
Perform the demonstrations in any other environment than the accorded one
Implementing a system capable of dealing with non pre-mapped environments
Account for dynamic obstacles
Task management
Future work
Nav2 path planning
ORMF integration
Load transportation